Now in network with Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Cigna, Oscar Health, Oxford, and United Healthcare

Accepting insurance from most major carriers:  Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Cigna, Oscar Health, Oxford, Optum, and United Healthcare

Life can be an uphill battle. You Are Worth The Fight

Hi, I am Maggie

I am so glad you're here. Starting the search for a therapist can be scary and daunting and that you have taken this step is AWESOME.

Therapy can be hard AND It is 100% worth your time. Because It is YOUR TIME and You are worth all of the time and energy you spend building a life that lights you up inside.

I am a lover of life. I worked hard and fought like heck to get here. I hope to help others find that spark for themselves, hold the spark for those who haven't, and help fan the flames of tiny fires of hope people have built for themselves.

The people I am most able to help will sometimes have a hard time believing that anyone has a life that lights them up inside, that it is even possible to be that excited about waking up. 

More about me

Videos and such

Film is our most powerful medium and Youtube has connected the world in such a way that it is hard to remember what it was like in the before times. I plan to host occasional live streams and videos on various topics of interest.

Radically Authentic

Youtube Channel
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